Two Tips Every Christian Writer Should Follow

Writer's Articles

Dear Friend,

You probably saw the title above and clicked it to read what the two tips are. Yes, it’s about writing. At the same time, non-writers could apply them if you change one word from below. I’ve heard/read practical advice such as, write consistently, set your writing aside before returning the next day, write your first draft as quickly as possible, etc. Many of them are subjective to personal preferences. I could continue on about them, but I don’t want to leave you hanging. A fellow Christian writer, who’s also a friend, told me two words which I think every writer should follow:

“Don’t write!”

Sarah Susanna Rhomberg

After all, we’re humans with lives to live. We have priorities outside of writing: spend time with God, learn from Him by reading His Word, and apply what you’ve studied by living it! How does one write well if one only sits at one’s desk and writes all the time? How could one convey stories of brokenness, humility, tragedies, hope, love, redemption, the Truths, and God when one never learned them in one’s life?

And spend time with your loved ones: family, church, brethren, and friends. Go out. Fellowship with them. Study the Bible and talk about God with them. Do activities with them. Have meals with them. Another suggestion: pick up a new hobby or continue your current hobby. Do something that’s non-writing/non-reading related. Rest!

“But I need to write for Him.” You may explain.

Check which is first: writing or Him? If you find that writing is taking His place, pause and re-examine your priorities. Remember, your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), belongs to Him. If He wants you to rest, do so. Trust and obey. Months ago, I experienced a week of writing several thousands of words per day regardless of my increasing fatigue. I was leading myself toward an impending burnout until God used a friend to warn me this, which is the other good advice:

“… give [God] every word that you write that He might use it to reach someone and give Him complete control of not just your writing life, but your life in every way, shape and form … Also, don’t push yourself too hard. Take it easy, but don’t be lazy. Write as much as you can a day, and no more than that … Putting God first above everything else doesn’t mean everything will be easy … however, God is with you at every step, every moment and every breath … It doesn’t matter if all you write one day is five words, those five words will add up. Just one word a day dedicated to God is worth far more than a hundred pages not written for Him.”

Arthur J. Colin

God already knows you’re doing your best for Him. My parents ingrained these words in my mind since I was a teen, “Do your best and leave the rest to Him”. So, rest. Even if you’re not a writer, pause from whatever you’re doing that’s draining your health and/or taking God’s place in your life. Go into your bedroom, open your Bible, and tell Him you’re tired. If you find yourself holding on to what you’re doing, give it up to Him. Then Christ will draw you close.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30, KJV (Emphasis added)

I too need to be reminded of the above. That is why I wrote this article.

Very Sincerely Yours,
Clarissa Choo-Choo Train

P.S. What are two important writing tips you apply in your life? Why?


Clarissa Choo is a vessel used for Christ’s glory. Although she has lived in four countries, Heaven is her only Home. She desires to sow His seeds and to serve third culture kids, teens, and writers. Besides writing, she loves to wash dishes, chop ingredients into smithereens, and record hymns on her piano. Peek into her Christian TCK Email Ministry or read more posts.

6 thoughts on “Two Tips Every Christian Writer Should Follow

  1. I am very guilty of not spending time with my family because I’m either reading or writing. This is an awesome reminder to rest and get to know your family and friends better than you already do. Thank you, Clarissa, from the bottom of my heart. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Aubrey,
      Thank you so much for reading! And thank you for being honest. 💕

      Continue to God first by spending time with Him and stay close to Him each second and moment that comes. 😊

      I hope you have a blessed time with them! 💕


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